This is a must-see webinar for those who work with high-level athletes, performing artists or business people.
Hosted by Judith Richards, creator of The Richards Trauma Process (TRTP) and Sally Wilson, a coach and mentor for high-achievers in the arts, sports and business.
As a former international opera singer, Sally Wilson knows a thing or two about being at the top of your field. And she’s discovered first-hand what it feels like to step away from the spotlight and lose your identity.
Through coaching, Sally helps her clients let go of their self-sabotaging beliefs and discover freedom, joy and fulfilment. As an accredited TRTP™ practitioner, Sally uses evidence-based practices to create changes that are quick, safe and lasting.
A straight shooter with an infectious zest for life, Sally has become a trusted coach and mentor for high-achievers in the arts, sports and business worlds. Within a minute of chatting to her, you’ll understand why.
Judith is a person of extraordinary strengths and courage, with a history that beggars belief… a life remarkable and profound in its content and experience. Judith has an intimate understanding of trauma. She knows it inside out, back-the-front and sideways.
With great courage and determination, she persisted through her own traumatic life experiences, learning and discovering that there is a way to capture a life worth living. There is a way to the other side of trauma and its myriad symptoms.
The result of this journey is The Richards Trauma Process, developed over many years by Judith. TRTP™ is fast, effective and safe. It resolves the issues of extreme trauma and is equally as effective in dealing with PTSD, anxiety, depression, fears and phobias – any issue which is trauma-related.
If you are a therapist seeking to know how you can be trained in TRTP, click here to learn about our Training Program.
If you are seeking help managing your own challenges, please click here to visit our Practitioner Directory.