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Thank you for signing up for this Masterclass Series, Presented by Judith Richards
A message from Judith – How to Get the Most Out of The Masterclass Series
Look for the Links!
You will soon receive an email with the link to download the first in the Masterclass Series. Please check your Inbox and if required, add our address to your Contacts list to ensure you receive all subsequent links to access each video, which will be sent to you over the following days.
Set yourself a reminder
Life gets busy, I understand. However, the information I’ll be sharing with you in these videos can have a genuinely profound impact on your approach to working with clients. If you don’t have the time to watch right away, as you receive each Masterclass video link, please set aside a spare half hour in the next day or two and pop a reminder in your phone so you don’t forget… or you may lose the email links in your daily Inbox avalanche!
Follow us on Facebook
To support your journey through this Masterclass Series, I invite you to Like and Follow our official TRTP (The Richards Trauma Process) Facebook page, where we continue the conversation around ways to address the growing global mental health crisis and apply this Uncommon Knowledge I’m sharing with you here.
Connect with us
As you engage with this Masterclass Series, you may have further questions. Whether you’d like to know more about the content presented, or TRTP itself and how to use this extraordinary process with your clients, I invite you to reach out and connect at any stage, via the contact details provided.
I look forward to sharing this uncommon knowledge with you. Perhaps we’ll meet at one of our future training programs…
Go gently,
Judith Richards